I’m really looking forward to seeing Eat Pray Love the movie when it comes out later this year (not til August apparently). I did enjoy the book – overall – but I somehow can’t relate to Elizabeth Gilbert’s personal journey and all her angst. I also think it’s kind of funny that she’s supposedly ‘risking everything’ and on an ‘incredible journey’ when she’s just travelling/living in 3 places for 12 months. That’s great, but also kind of normal. Isn’t it?! Anyway – I still look forward to seeing how the book will come to life on the big screen, and will probably want to book a ticket to Ubud straight afterwards (my current fixation by the way!). What about you – did you enjoy the book and will you see the movie?
Haven’t done either. I’ve only heard about the book. Risking everything for 3 different places in 12 months?? Well I guess some people see risk differently to others. Is the book worth buying or borrowing?
It took me a few pages to get into it but once she started travelling I loved it! Like you say the lifestyle choice isn’t that unusual but she writes really well so it all makes sense. I didn’t know about the film – thanks for the tip. (I linked to this post today too:))
I listened to the book in audio format, with Elizabeth Gilbert reading, and I really enjoyed it. I will see the move when I am able. While I certainly don’t think traveling/living in 3 different places in 12 months is risking anything, consider your average American, the movie’s primary audience. (and I say that with all the respect and love for the non-traveling Americans!) I’ve been an expat/frequent traveler for 10 years and my friends back home all think it is insanely crazy. I totally think of extended travel across the globe as a normal thing. Funny how our perspectives change!
Cate – hard to say if you should buy or borrow as the book does tend to strongly divide readers..not sure if you’ll love it or hate it! Maybe borrow to be on the safe side!
Niamh – She does write well, I agree. Glad this inspired your post 🙂
Globalgal – thanks for the comment and welcome! Have checked out your blog too and life in a little visited place in China does sound interesting. Though I’m not sure about the instant coffee – I hope you find some of those Yunnan beans soon!
I’ve been looking forward to the movie, I love Julia. I never could quite get into Eat, Pray, Love, I found her complaining and angst irritating. I’ve been saying I’ll give it another try but I think the movie will suffice!
I read this book because my friend said it was a must read, it was an UTTER waste of time for me. I didn’t feel engage with her story at all.
I’ve been carrying that book round with me for ages as I can’t seem to get into it for all the reasons already mentioned. I’m determined to read it, though! The Film? I’ll probably wait for the DVD since I rarely go to the cinema anyway.It will be interesting to see how popular it is.
Apart from people’s individual assessment of risk, I think the typical American sentiment would be that it is very risky, not normal at all. I think it’s absolutely great that you see it as quite normal! I’ve read people’s reactions to this movie, and some cannot relate to dropping life for one year; they believe it is self-indulgent. I think it is a matter of shifting priorities.