Cafe crush: Dolezza House

On my eternal quest for new and inspiring cafes,Β I came across Dolezza House – a colourful cafe with a cute clothing shop in Saigon’s District 3.
The on-site boutique houses a treasure trove of colourful dresses (think Mango, with better cuts and tailoring) and outside the cafe is full of whimsical touches, like colour co-ordinated coasters that match the pink and purple seats, dress-shaped menus and artfully displayed flowers and plants. The iced coffees, New Zealand ice-creams and mist-blowing fans are the perfect antidotes to Saigon’s heat, in one of the city’s most girly (but gorgeous) little cafes.

Dolezza House, 26 Le Quy Don, D3, Saigon

5 Responses

  1. jen laceda March 19, 2009 / 6:27 pm

    Umm…I’m craving for some Vietnamese iced coffee now!

  2. Baron's Life March 22, 2009 / 6:15 pm

    Vietnam is a destination next on my list…so I’ll be watching the little details you post. Thanks for sharing all this info.

  3. A Girl in Asia March 23, 2009 / 1:30 am

    Jen, I’m always craving Vietnamese iced coffee :-).

    Baron’s Life, thanks for visiting and happy trip planning!

  4. Alexa March 23, 2009 / 11:17 pm

    Wow, I love your blog. Strangely enough, although I was born and raised in HCMC, I never really knew much about cool hangouts in my city (haha most shut-in Vietnamese kid), especially now that I study abroad and only come home for a couple of months every year anymore. I’ll certainly make many of your recs my must-go destinations this summer when I get back. πŸ˜€ Thank you for all the awesome updates on my home city!

  5. A Girl in Asia March 24, 2009 / 1:21 am

    Hi Alexa – glad you’ve found some useful places, I’m sure you know some great places to eat and shop in hcmc too – feel free to share πŸ™‚

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