At the moment I’m…

…visiting iberry waaaay too often!

….in one of my favourite cities in the world – Bangkok – for up to two months! Am here waiting to have baby number 2 – but I’ll save the ins and outs of that for another post. I get so many emails from random readers asking me for more details about having a baby in Asia so I’ll do a FAQ post about it soon (that the non-baby minded among you can choose to skip over – I don’t want to bore you to death!). In the meantime, here’s what I’m:

Old episodes of Entourage (playing catch-up) and downloadedΒ TED talks
Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert, the follow up novel to Eat Pray Love where she delves into the history and concept of marriage while contemplating her own impending 2nd wedding (which she was basically forced into to allow her Brazilian partner to stay in the US). I’m about halfway through, and so far, it’s a pretty interesting read, albeit a little textbook like in parts. I’m hoping for more about her travels in SE Asia and chats with people there about their culture’s attitudes towards relationships and marriage, which is meant to be covered but hasn’t really been – yet!
Lots of Japanese, Thai and desserts (everything chocolate and everything ice-cream – I’m still so in love with iberry!)
Too much coffee for a pregnant chick(!) but Bangkok is a world of temptation, in every way!
My new iPod Touch! Still figuring it all out, and welcome any suggestions on good apps to download! So far I have epicurious and Facebook, and that’s about it!
Looking forward to…
More Bangkok eats while I still have the chance! On my radar – a chocolate cafe, a taqueria, and some amazing sounding Thai restaurants, including one with a 7-course Thai meets French degustation menu, can’t wait!
…how about you?

7 Responses

  1. Kristina July 15, 2010 / 1:01 pm

    sounds great! enjoy your time in bkk, such a great city! i am in and off to switzerland, have been in berlin for a long weekend (loving it as always), now i am on my way to an outdoor fair in germany for doing some business…
    would love to be in bkk though πŸ™‚
    viele grΓΌsse, kristina

  2. melanie lace July 15, 2010 / 3:04 pm

    Baby #2! That’s super exciting. Treat yourself to a prenatal massage @ The peninsula.

  3. niamh July 19, 2010 / 2:33 pm

    Am so jealous! Sounds like a great trip – iberry is very hard to resist! ‘eat me’ was one of my favs; on Convent Road and Kuppa on Soi 16 sukhumwit for more decadent dessert. Oh, and try Spring too, they have a great garden out the front

  4. A Girl in Asia July 20, 2010 / 1:16 pm

    Kristina – your trips sound great, I’d love to go to Berlin some day!

    Melanie – Thanks, and massages are definitely in order πŸ™‚

    Niamh – I love Eat Me, went there a few trips back; have yet to try Kuppa but will add to the list; and if you mean Spring & Summer I’ve been and loved it too (it’s right near where I’m staying right now so will hopefully go again!)

  5. Marie July 21, 2010 / 3:37 am

    What exciting times! I hope everything goes smoothly for you and I just know those Bangkokians will take the best of care with you. The hospitals there are amazing:-)

    As for me, I’ve been getting back into the blogging scene as inspired by yours truly. And you probably thought I hadn’t even seen your post! Check this out

  6. Stevo July 21, 2010 / 8:24 am

    You must go to Isao at 5 Sukhumvit 31, Klongtoey-nua, Wattana while in Bangkok. Its the best and most creative Japanese food Ive ever had. My fave in all of Asia (including Japan). Try the rolls – they are awesome !!! Enjoy. Also highly recommend Rossanos Italian Restauraunt off Asoke.

  7. Simone Fisher July 21, 2010 / 2:08 pm

    Hi Liz, if you are staying at Samitivej you are just down the street from my favourite restaurant in Bangkok – Thon Kreung (Soi Thonglor Soi 13) – if its not too hot, they have a lovely outdoor terraced section to eat in. And across the rd from Samitivej is Dr Feet – the best place in the area for a foot massage! Have fun, Simone

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