At the moment I’m…

Watching: True Blood (quirky, sordid and much better than Twilight!)

Reading: The 4-hour work week by Timothy Ferris (lots of interesting ideas…)
Perusing: new home/decor online mag Lonny (lots of pretty pics and inspiration)
Drinking: Spicy chai (with Cambodian palm sugar and milk)
Eating: Pizza and cookies (but making salad tonight to compensate!)
Loving: 40,000 dong tops and 50,000 dong pedicures (we’re talking $2-3!)
Looking forward to: A trip to Phnom Penh in a few weeks (dying for a brownie from The Shop and stocking up at Russian Market, Bliss, Ambre etc. etc….!)
….how about you?

9 Responses

  1. Kristina November 6, 2009 / 12:50 pm

    I am….

    watching: the latest season of Grey’s Anatomy – I know….. I can’t help it, I am addicted πŸ™‚

    Reading: The Ridiculous Race: 26,000 Miles, 2 Guys, 1 Globe, No Airplanes — by Steven Hely and Vali Chandrasekaran — sooo funny

    Perusing: Lonely Planet magazine which I ordered from the UK — travel inspirations

    Eating and Drinking: planning on preparing some Spanish tapas tonight and opening a nice bottle of Rioja

    Loving: still in love with my new camera

    Looking forward to: my trip to Asia in december. Can’t wait to try out all your favorite cafes and bars in vietnam and cambodia!!

    Liz, have a nice weekend and thanks for your comment yesterday!

  2. amasc November 7, 2009 / 3:37 am

    I’m rationing out series two of Trueblood.

    Reading any book I can get my hands on.

    Eating and drinking mangoes and ginger tea but having pizza tonight to compensate.

    Loving the few downpours that cut through the sweltering heat.

    Looking forward to finally deciding on my destination for the two week christmas break.

  3. shantiwallah November 8, 2009 / 2:33 am

    Watching: Fantastic international films that I’ve only just discovered Maori TV plays every weekend.
    Reading: The Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers about a Chinese English student in England. I wouldn’t particularly recommend it but it’s OK. I’ve read 4 hour workweek, too. I can’t wait to hear your take on it.
    Perusing: Far too many blogs and not doing enough writing!
    Eating and drinking: Healthy salad-like food to lose weight but balancing that out with dark chocolate;-)
    Loving: My new computer
    Looking forward to: The end of my contract although I’ll miss my students.

  4. Fly Girl November 8, 2009 / 9:59 pm

    Watching- the current season of Mad Men and getting ready for the season finale.

    Reading-The third book in the Aya series, a wonderful graphic novel set in the Ivory Coast during the 70s and early 80s.

    Drinking- Rose, Jasmine, Lemon and other tea I can’t prounouce sent from Indonesia by my kind friend Eka.

    Eating- Thorton’s toffee that I just ordered from the British Shop online so I’m trying unsuccessfully to ration it.

    Loving- My new purple and pink tweed jacket I bought on Ebay for $11.

    Looking Forward to- Press trip to Eleuthera, the Bahamian out island in early December.

  5. Bali Beach Bunny November 11, 2009 / 3:43 am

    watching – the roof, walls, structure go up by day. sons of anarchy by night.
    reading – eat pray love [i have seen too many people reading it to not know what its about – and its about to take over my next few days i think!]
    drinking – willpower. detoxing. grrr.
    eating – apple and parmesan salads from a recipe on little postcards blog
    looking forward to – opening in january

  6. A Girl in Asia November 11, 2009 / 7:34 am

    Kristina – I’m loving Rioja right now after drinking it (lots) in NYC!

    Amasc – I’m rationing season 2 right now too as I don’t want it (True Blood) to end! And apparently Season 3 hasn’t even started filming yet..

    Shantiwallah – did you enjoy 4-hour work week? Am still reading it but I love the idea of taking a series of mini retirements and the tips on managing time (like, I realise I spend way too much time reading all my google reader subscriptions and might need to implement some of his ideas i.e. his checking email only twice a day rule!)

    Fly Girl – The press trip sounds great! Am also just getting into Mad Men – I love the fashion and sets etc. and even the opening credits

    Bali Beach Bunny – have you seen Eat Pray Love being filmed yet as I hear they’re in Bali right now? Looking forward to seeing it when it’s out. Wow – your place is opening in January – that didn’t seem to take long, how exciting!

  7. Catherine November 12, 2009 / 12:20 am

    Watching – You are what you eat
    Reading – Beijing Coma by Ma Jian
    Perusing – my Nicaragua photos
    Drinking – Mexican Tempranillo
    Eating – French Bistrot food
    Loving – discovering new travel blogs
    Looking Forward to – Costa Rica at Christmas

    Greetings from Mexico

  8. Xander November 12, 2009 / 7:23 am

    Enjoy Phnom Penh! I’d really love to make it back there, especially if it means an afternoon spent with a latte and a brownie at the Shop.

    I’ve been rereading all of my Haruki Murakami favourites, like Wild Sheep Chase, Dance Dance Dance, and Sputnik Sweetheart. Great for the moody weather we’re having in Cape Town.

    And curiously, there have been a lot of cookies and pizza here, too… -X

  9. shantiwallah November 12, 2009 / 8:01 pm

    I’m back! I just wanted to pop in and say that even though I don’t know all of these people I’m really fascinated by seeing what bloggers are into around the world. Great idea for a post. Thank you!

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