Blog 3.0


A little backstory on this blog in case you’ve newly popped by…

This blog started life as a travel and food-focussed blog back in 2008, when I lived in Cambodia and soon after moved to Vietnam for a few years. It was called A Girl in Asia. When I moved back to Sydney and the name clearly didn’t fit (being neither in Asia anymore, or a girl – what?!) I started a new blog called Devoured, with a Sydney focus but similar lifestyle topics.

After a bit of a blogging hiatus I’ve decided to revive it with a new look and broadened topics, with more emphasis on loves beyond travel and food, like kids’ books, writing events and the kind of general mash-up posts I love to read on other people’s blogs. Hence the name change to, well, my name, to be all-encompassing and less pigeonhole-y, something I should have done all those years ago to save the whole ‘rolling several blogs together’ thing and re-formatting heartache. Oh, hindsight!